
When good coders write bad code.

I want to air some dirty laundry. Why is it that nobody seems to ask questions? Is it that we are too full of ourselves? Or that the industry rewards answers but not questions? Is it that someone who asks questions is seen as a n00b? Why do we have this stigma of "I have a dumb question" when we are new on a project?

I ran into a side-effect of this mentality on my latest project. Recently, I was working on optimizing some SQL queries that were running slow. In the middle of plowing through some of the newly added functions I came across one that really seemed to stick out.

In a nutshell, the function was to take a case identifier and return a "hierarchical" start date so that if ActualEndDate exists, return ActualBeginDate. If ApprovedEndDate exists, return ApprovedBeginDate. If CertifiedEndDate exists, return CertifiedBeginDate. If RequestedEndDate exists, return RequestedBeginDate. If all these conditions are false, return NULL.

Here is some sample data:


And here are the calculated Hierarchical dates


So looking at the function that is used to return the scalar value, I see this:

    7 CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[getHierarchicalDate]

    8 (

    9     @CaseID bigint

   10 )

   11 RETURNS datetime

   12 AS

   13 BEGIN


   15 declare    @HierarchialDate datetime

   16 declare @ActualEnd datetime

   17 declare @ApprovedEnd datetime

   18 declare @CertifiedEnd datetime

   19 declare @RequestedEnd datetime


   21 set @ActualEnd =

   22     (select ActualEnd from cases where caseid = @caseID)

   23 set @ApprovedEnd =

   24     (select ApprovedEnd from cases where caseid = @caseID)

   25 set @CertifiedEnd =

   26     (select CertifiedEnd from cases where caseid = @caseID)

   27 set @RequestedEnd =

   28     (select RequestedEnd from cases where caseid = @caseID)

   29 if @RequestedEnd is not null

   30     if @CertifiedEnd is not null

   31         if @ApprovedEnd is not null

   32             if @ActualEnd is not null

   33                 set @HierarchialDate =

   34                     (select ActualBegin from cases

   35                         where caseid = @caseID)

   36             else

   37                 set @HierarchialDate =

   38                     (select ApprovedBegin from cases

   39                         where caseid = @caseID)

   40         else

   41             set @HierarchialDate =

   42                 (select CertifiedBegin from cases

   43                     where caseid = @caseID)

   44     else

   45         set @HierarchialDate =

   46             (select RequestedBegin from cases

   47                 where caseid = @caseID)


   49 RETURN @HierarchialDate


   51 END

Yup, 8 SELECT statements. And this was written by a developer who has been in architect roles. Someone respected. Someone who should know better. So with a little adjustment, the function become this:

    7 CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[getHierarchicalDate]

    8 (

    9     @CaseID bigint

   10 )

   11 RETURNS datetime

   12 AS

   13 BEGIN


   15 declare    @HierarchialDate datetime


   17 select @HierarchialDate = CASE

   18       WHEN ActualEnd IS NOT NULL and ActualBegin is not null

   19         THEN ActualBegin

   20       WHEN ApprovedEnd IS NOT NULL and ApprovedBegin is not null

   21         THEN ApprovedBegin

   22       WHEN CertifiedEnd IS NOT NULL and CertifiedBegin is not null

   23         THEN CertifiedBegin

   24       WHEN RequestedEnd IS NOT NULL and RequestedBegin is not null

   25         THEN RequestedBegin

   26       ELSE NULL END

   27 from    [Cases] where caseid = @CaseID


   29 RETURN @HierarchialDate


   31 END

So we're down to one SELECT statement. One table scan. All because nobody took a step back to ask "is there a better way". This is something that seems to prevalent in our industry. Nobody wants to admit they are over their head, that they don't know everything, that someone else might have a better solution. I don't have the answers, so I'd love to hear any feedback.

1 comment:

Arnulfo Wing said...

yikes. That is why I try not to blog on Mondays... ;)
