
Twikini for Windows Mobile

Trinket Software has released version 1.1 of Twikini. I've run a few of the beta versions of Twikini with only one issue (requiring hard reset) that was resolved in the next version.

Twikini is a pretty outstanding bit of software for your Windows Mobile device. It has a much sexier UI than my other favorite client, TinyTwitter. It also runs noticeably faster. The UI is more intuitive than Pocketwit.

For most of my Tweeting needs, Twikini more than fits. I still use TinyTwitter for viewing individual timelines but since Twitter has been ignoring the #fixreplies, I see my usage of TinyTwitter falling and Twikini filling that void.

So take a look at that sweet UI and head over to http://www.trinketsoftware.com/Twikini and get a demo version to kick the tires.
